by ROplinger@Legacy | Mar 7, 2024 | Updates
The HOA and ACHD are aware of the potholes on Signature and Champions, once the hot mix plants open again they will repair and fill the potholes. In the meantime, please drive carefully and we appreciate your patience.
by ROplinger@Legacy | Nov 16, 2023 | Updates
We will be performing routine preventative maintenance on the MS2 streets on Monday, November 20th. Please adhere to the following to ensure crack seal is as efficient and effective as possible: Remove vehicles from the streets on Monday Wait to put your trash cans on...
by ROplinger@Legacy | Nov 16, 2023 | Updates
The restrooms at Pool 2 on Nordic and Pool 3 on Decathlon will now be open all year during normal pool hours. Thank you to the 2023 Board of Directors for this insightful amenity to our active community!
by ROplinger@Legacy | Oct 16, 2023 | Updates
The company installing the locks on the secondary gates at Pool 2 and Pool 3 have delayed installation until October 24th. The new goal is to allow access to the primary gates for each Pool 2 and Pool 3 on October 25th.
by ROplinger@Legacy | Aug 24, 2023 | Updates
Unfortunately, due to the rain the week of August 25th, the concrete was delayed. The new expected completion date is September 14th. The long-awaited concrete pathway is being poured between August 25th and September 6th. The PAR 3 will be COMPLETELY closed during...