Legacy Meeting Notice – October 2024

Legacy Members, The election is around the corner for the Legacy Board of Directors.  With that comes several meetings and dates of which we want you to be aware.  Please note the schedule of meetings below as well as an invitation to participate in the nominating...

Irrigation Filter Update – 09/10/2024

Legacy, We took three samples from clogged filters to a laboratory in Boise on August 23rd.  We have finally received the results.  Below is a summary with excerpts from the report.  The samples came from phases SF-3, SF-10 and SF-16.  We will provide these results to...

Irrigation Filter Update – 08/28/2024

After 12 hours of diagnostics by a local sprinkler company, we are no closer to determining the cause of the gunk in the filters.  We have taken samples to a laboratory in Boise with the goal of determining what is clogging the filters, hoping that might help us in...

Irrigation Filter Update – 08/08/2024

After consulting with Legacy’s pump maintenance provider, we have determined the primary filters at both the main pump house on Nordic and the secondary pump house on Decathlon are functioning properly.  This is great news for our filters and helps to eliminate...

Irrigation Filter Issue

Legacy, We are writing to notify you of an issue with debris in the irrigation system. There appears to be organic material clogging the filters throughout Legacy, causing them to need daily cleaning.  The issue was isolated to Phase 10 for a few weeks, but has now...

Pickleball and Fishing

Hello Legacy! We appreciate your patience and apologize for the delay in completion of the pickleball courts.  They are now done and we invite everyone to check them out this weekend!  As always, we welcome feedback on projects.  It’s already been suggested that...

ClickPay Electronic Payment Processing for Legacy

Greetings Legacy homeowners! We are 7 weeks into the new ClickPay online payment system and have had so much success so far we are just thrilled! Approximately half of the homeowners in Legacy are utilizing this system and it has made things much easier for many...

Legacy Fish and Ponds

Greetings Legacy, While our pond maintenance team was out this morning, they noticed that our fish are quite stressed in this heat (and no one wants stressed fish!). They chose to cut back a bit on the treatments for the sake of the fish but are also asking the...